Thursday, June 10, 2010

Where We Went + 3 New Cons for 2010

Shortly after Posting about going to PAX East, my life got sent into a bit of a tailspin. One of my best friends died while I was at the convention. The weekend after that I had obligations to staff Anime Boston (which is why there was no coverage from that convention this year). Shortly after that, my godmother passed away. Then my mom and I were forced out of our home and had to move (which thankfully went smoothly thanks to some great friends, many of whom have helped out with the site). The last bit of news that hit my family hard was the death of my grandmother on May 27th.

With all this pain and suffering, I am looking forward to happier times in the form of Connecticon (Connecticut, July 9-11), Otakuthon (Montreal, Aug 13-15) and Another Anime Convention (New Hampshire, Oct 15-17).

Our GRAND RE OPENING will be for CONNECTICON! I just confirmed our Hotel reservations for the weekend and we are ready to go!

Check out our CONNECTICON 2007, CONNECTICON 2008 and CONNECTICON 2009 galleries, and we hope to see you there!
